Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Jolene's Summary

This has been a very interesting summer – to say the least. At the beginning I thought it would be WAY too long and I would be ready to get home long before it was time. But actually that didn’t happen. There was a point on the trip I would have been ready to go home, but after a couple days of thinking that I got over it and just enjoyed it. Now that we’re on the way home, I am ready to get there, although I dread unpacking, going in a house that has been unlived in for 3 weeks (the people that lived there this summer left Aug. 3), the yard that will have lots of sticks to pick up before we can mow the long grass, the weeds to pull, etc, etc. I’ve got mixed feelings about it coming to an end, with Travis heading back to Goshen 3 days after we get home, Roger going off to work & soon the girls heading to school. (not that I don’t like time alone!)
Highlights for me were the same ones the girls said, with Yellowstone topping the list. One of the things that amazed me about many of the places we saw was how the earth is always changing – volcanoes, water wearing away rock creating huge, deep canyons, etc. You wouldn’t think it changes but over many, many years, things slowly change and aren’t like they were yesterday. This country didn’t just come into being a couple hundred years ago when the white man came, but millions & millions of years ago, and the history is pretty incredible, with the many Indian tribes, etc.
So, it was an incredible summer & I got to spend it with my five most favorite people in the world! -posted by Jolene

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