Friday, June 22, 2012

Finally in The Hills!

Beginning to See A Change of Scenery

Up Up and Away


When I Grow up I Want to Be a Fire Bomber.

June 21 (Fort Nelson, BC)
We’re tooling along here at 3500 feet (altitude is 3000 ft) in the air, going 95 knots (about 110 mph), flying from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to Grand Prairie, Alberta.   
Yesterday flying, the terrain was very, very flat, with lots of huge farms, and lots of marshy, wet places – looked like they had had a lot of rain.  We were also in & out of clouds and it was quite beautiful of course.  The further north we are going today, the more trees there are (less farmland), and later today we should probably start seeing more mountains.  We are stopping in for a couple of hours with David & Starla Moyer who had gone to our church in PA, but have moved up here where Starla grew up.  We will just have lunch together and keep going.  We’re not sure where we’ll end up for the night, but it’s the first night we won’t be with friends.  We have camping equipment along (a VERY small tent!), that we probably should try out.  We bought inflatable mattresses that pack up really small, so we’ll see how good these old bodies sleep tonight!  We’ve had to really watch the weight for the plane, so have taken the bare minimum of clothes, etc.  We even bought special underwear that dry out very quickly so we can wash them every night so we don’t need so many! 
Yesterday was Roger & my 31st wedding anniversary.  Such a good bonding experience this is!  J  It has been really fun so far, and in some ways it feels like now, since we’ll soon be in more remote areas, like the trip is just really starting.  JOLENE

Today we started flying the Alaska Highway and started getting into some more mountainous areas.  It was absolutely beautiful. I am sitting here and it’s getting close to 2:00 AM, and it’s still dusk outside.  I need to hit the sack, but it’s hard to go to bed when it is so light out.  Jolene usually does the blogging while I fly, and since I can’t talk her into switching roles, I guess she will have to do most of the entries .  I had to do the computer work and add some photos.  ROGER

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