Tuesday, June 26, 2007

June 22


Well, we decided not to go the whole way to Durban and stopped early at some Port Sheep-something-or-other and went to another backpacker/hostel place. So, this morning we left The Spot Backpackers place—there are some quite interesting people staying there. The best is this guy who does yoga and meditates and spends forever making a huge 4-person breakfast and even longer eating it outside on a tray and moving out of the sun when it comes up. He gets into his stretches in the middle of the lounge floor, almost whacking a few people. Then we got packed and left and drove to Durban, where we swam, or attempted to swim, in the saltier-,sandier-,wavier-,warmer-than Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean. If that makes sense. Well we got yelled at once cause a man told us that we were swimming on a surfing only beach, so we moved to another place where we got yelled at for the same reason, and then FINALLY got to the swimming beach but only had 10 minutes. Then we waited for my pops to close his banking account here, and he actually ended up not doing it cuz it took him over 2 hours and got nothing done because the banks are freakishly slow here. While we were waiting I got made for me some really pretty flowers outta palm fronds from this old couple sitting in the town square doing it there and selling them but they actually did it for free and it’s really nice but it’s soon gonna get brown and crumple and I’m not sure how I’m gonna get it home but I’ll figure it out. Then we ate Wimpy burgers. First fast food place since we’ve been here. Then we got to a Baptist Guesthouse, which I guess is supposed to be some special place, but we couldn’t find it and drove for like an hour but then we did find it and it was really nice and I drank tea and mother dear was elated that there was cold water in the fridge to drink because all the water we have is warm.


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