Thursday, May 18, 2017

Fun day talking to many people, stopped at a housing development in a Walmart parking lot.

The Yukon finally
Connected to the Alaska Highway just west of Watson Lake.
A permanent resident at Walmart in Whitehorse, Yukon
Cow Moose along the road
One of the many bears we saw on this road - maybe 15 or more?
Monday May 15, by Jolene:  It rained a lot of the night, so of course everything was very wet.  We waited inside until it sort of stopped (still drizzled some), and made a quick breakfast and packed up our wet stuff and took off.  Made a longer day of it today, through some rain showers, some sun, some just cloudy.  Around every bend is something else weather-wise.  The clouds are kind of amazing, and you can see up ahead where there is rain, and you wonder if you are going to go through that, or if the road will go another direction by the time you get closer.  We stopped at a pull out and had a bit of lunch about 1:30 or 2, and kept going.  We made it to the Alaskan highway, and on to Whitehorse where we spent the night in a Walmart parking lot that also had a McDonald’s in it.  We needed wifi to get caught up on some things.  Only thing was, the Walmart closed at 10 pm (about when we arrived), and didn’t open until 8 am.  Other Walmart’s we’ve been at didn’t close at night.  The parking lot was FULL of campers, and quite a few cars and trucks with people sleeping in them. There also was a camper that looked like it is here permanently.  We never saw so many campers at a Walmart before, and we’ve slept at quite a few.  J  It is light until very late – not sure what time since we are sleeping by that time, and light very early also. 

At one gas stop, we met a guy and his wife that deliver campers from IN, MI area up to Anchorage.  He was on his way back from Anchorage in his car after delivering the camper.  We also met a truck driver when we drove into the Walmart that had seen us earlier on the road.  We hadn’t talked to him then, he only saw us pass, but he chatted quite a while when he saw us, asking questions and telling us about his truck driving job, he even ran the Ice Roads in the winter.  It is fun and interesting talking to various folks.  We talked to many local people – Roger loves that.  We drove 585 miles today.

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